Outboard Racing Legends - Past & Present
You know many of the names -- Bill Seebold, Jerry Waldman, Jim Schoch, Johnny Dortch, Dick O'Dea, Marshall Grant, Dick Pond, Rex Hall, Tim Butts, Roger Dykehouse, John Schubert.... Great racing familes such as Eldredge, Thirlby, Hauenstein, Nydahl, McKean.... Current racers such as Tennell, Augustine, Small and others... This section is dedicated to all of the race drivers of outboard racing, past and present.
This section is dedicated to the Legends of Outboard Racing. We have some of the great outboard racing legends listed here now and will be adding more Legends as time moves forward.
Jerry (Gerry) Waldman
Jerry (Gerry) Waldman was probably the best known racer for the Quincy Welding racing teams. Over the lifetime of his racing career, Jerry at one time or another raced every class of Stock runabout and hydro plus alky hydro in APBA and NOA classes. He won at least 45 national championships, 26 APBA titles and 19 NOA titles. His fantastic career will probably never be equalled.
Click here to read more on Jerry Waldman
The Augustine Racing Family
Dick Austin
Dick Austin of Lansing, Michigan, was well known in the 1960's for his skill at piloting a 6 cylinder Quincy Looper. Among Dick's many wins was the World Championship in F Hydroplane class in 1966 and the World Championship in X Hydro class in 1968 held at Forest Lake, Minnesota.
Click Here to read more about Dick Austin.
Wayne Baldwin
Wayne Baldwin began his racing career in 1965 at the first boat race he ever saw. Lone Star Boat Racing Association held a race in May of that year almost in the front yard of his lake house on Lake Corpus Christi in Texas. Wayne and his brother Mark entered the B runabout competition with a stock Mercury on a 12 foot Nomad boat. They each ran a heat finishing 3rd and 4th respectively due to rough water and their very heavy boat. Most of the competion stayed on the bank. Wayne Baldwin would go on to win many races and several championships, including the 1973 APBA World Championships in 3 classes - B Hydro, C Hydro & F Hydro. Wayne also held the APBA 5-mile competition record in F Hydro in 1973, hitting 85.673 mph at Lakeland, FL. He also set a NOA competition record in 1972 in D Hydro.
Click Here to read more about Wayne Baldwin
Tom L. Berry, Y-32
Tom L. Berry raced from 1969 to 1977 He raced in the National Outboard Association, the American Outboard Federation and the American Power Boat Association. Tom was a member of the Kansas City Speedboat Association, the St. Louis Outboard Association, the Union of Professional Outboard Drivers, Outboard Central and the Okalahoma Boat Racing Association during his years of racing. During his racing career Tom raced in C & D Am Pro and Super Stock Hydro and Runabout, C Service Runabout and C, D, & F Pro Hydroplane and Runabout. In 1976 Tom won the World Championship in the new class of E Hydro at Alexandria, LA.
Click Here to read more about Tom Berry
Tom Berry's Photo Album (2)
Tom Berry's Photo Album (3)
Tom Berry's Photo Album (4)
Charley Bradley
My Dad (Doc Bradley) established Bradley Racing in 1929. He got me started racing stock outboards in 1961 with Pat Mulvany. Graduated to A and B alky in 1965, running Quincy/Marchetti or Quincy/Rawson combinations. I started running 700 hydro in 1971 Konig/Butts combination while I was working for Walt Blankenstein. Retired the 700 in 1978. Returned to racing in 1987. National High points in 87 & 88 in 250 hydro. Pugh/Yamato rig. Out again in 1993. Returned in 2002. Won only race ran with Konig/Pugh 350. Wouldn't take much to get me going again. Once its in your blood, it doesn't go away. The photo is of me with the engine that made my DOH Aerowing about 3 feet shorter than was needed. It's amazing how much difference 4 extra cubic inches made between my Konig D and my Quincy 44 Flathead. Definitely got my attention
...............Charley (photo courtesy Charley Bradley)
Harry Brinkman
Harry Brinkman was not only a successful boat racer for many, many years, he was widely known for his excellent engine building skills and knowledge. He owned and operated CMRS Marine in Leesburg, Indiana. In the early 1970's Harry wrote the 'How to Modify Your Mercury Outboard Motor' manual to help new mod outboard racers be competitive in the sport. Harry raced and won the CMR class 10 out of the last 20 years that he raced. The sport lost a great contributor with Harry's passing in 2008.
Click Here to read more about Harry Brinkman
Tim Butts
Tim Butts is known throughout outboard racing community not only as an excellent boat racer, but also as a highly successful boat designer and builder. He is probably best known for the Butts Aerowing boats.
Click Here to read more about Tim Butts.
David Christner
David Christner, oldest son of O. F. Christner, began his racing career for Quincy Welding in 1955. David achieved many race victories in A Hydro, A Runabout, B Hydro and B Runabout. David was also a World Champion in Div III for A Runabout in 1956.
Click Here to read more about David Christner
Tim Chance
Tim Chance started racing at the age of 15 in 1956. Over the years Tim ran Pro, Alky, Outboard and later Stock and Mods up until the 1980's. Tim raced at the Nationals in Alexandria, Louisiana, in 1976 for Quincy Welding, running the prototype Quincy "Z" engine. In the early 1990's, Tim ran OPC. He then retired from racing for 16 years. In 2007 Tim got back into outboard racing, running a 250cc runabout in Pro. Tim Chance is also known for his outboard racing magazine, Hydroplane Quarterly, which he first published in the 1960's and throughout the 1970's. Tim is also one of the founders of the US Title Series outboard racing. Some early issues of his magazine can be found in the Memorabilia section of our web site.
Click Here to read more about Tim Chance
Doc Collins
Doc Collins campaigned many successful race drivers over the years. More information to be posted soon.
Arlen Crouch
Arlen Crouch racked up several championships for Quincy Welding in the late 1950's and early 1960's. Arlen was not just an employee of Quincy Welding during that time, he was also a cousin of Vera Christner, O. F. Christner's wife.
Phil Crown
Phil Crown won many championships over his racing career. This photo from 1966 shows Phil racing a Quincy Looper C motor. Phil built the 44T raceboat himself as a copy of a DeSilva. More information on Phil's racing career coming soon.
Harry Demski
Harry Demski is a former World Champ.
Ralph Donald
Ralph Donald was winning in the 1960's and still winning in 2007 at the Lake Wales, FL race event. This is taken from the Race Program for the 1967 Depue, IL, APBA Nationals: "Ralph Donald, 36 years old, Marietta, GA, is married and has 2 girls. He has been racing 15 years and has raced all Runabout classes (except F Runabout) and A-B-C Outboard Hydro. Ralph feels his most successful classes have been A and B Runabout; in 1965 he held the A Hydro competition record in NOA and in 1962 won the B Runabout championship, in 1966 he placed 5th in B Runabout at the APBA Nationals. In addition to racing, he enjoys hunting. Ralph is in real estate sales." He's a member of the APBA Honor Squadron and the Hall of Fame of Racing.
Click Here to see more on Ralph Donald
Johnny Dortch
Johnny Dortch's race career covered almost 50 years. He started racing in 1947, after returning from overseas & World War 2. Johnny won numerous races and title championships over his long racing career. Johnny won the St. Louis High-Point trophy in 1952. He won the sportsmanship trophies for the North-South races in 1957, 1959 and 1966. His racing career included serving as a NOA Commissioner and 8 years as Commodore of the St. Louis Outboard Drivers Association. Johnny was also a carpenter and built some of his own race boats. Johnny Dortch shared with us an autobiography of his racing career, along with several boxes of photos, Rooster Tails, race programs and other great racing heritage. We will be sharing this wealth of racing history with you on this site over the next few months as there is a lot of information to scan and post. Thank you, Johnny, for sharing your racing memories with all of us at QuincyLooperRacing.US
The Christner Family
Click here to read more on Johnny Dortch
Johnny Dortch - Race Photo Album
Roger Dykehouse
Roger Dykehouse raced from 1959 to 1969, running Quincy Loopers & other engines. Roger held the title of North American Champion in B Hydroplane in 1967. Roger has fond memories of racing back when they used standard lower units on molded plywood Wagemaker boats, prior to the introduction of the Merc Quicky.
Gene East
Gene East literally made all of our steel megaphones at Quincy Welding prior to the aluminum cast ones. I can remember as a kid, watching Gene take templates and trace out on flat steel the megaphone shape, then cut them out with a big shear we had and then form them by hand. He would then weld them with a stick arc welder. No, not tig or mig or gas torch -- stick. Watching Gene form and make these pipes was a real treat. It was like watching an artist sculpture a statue from raw clay. Gene always kept a cool head and was easy going ..... as long as you didn't yank his chain too hard. Gene was an expert welder, machinist, painter, fiberglasser and mechanic. He was also totally responsible for loading 7 boats & up to 14 race engines in our big trailer for each race. When Dad found out Gene was leaving Quincy Welding in 1973, it really took the wind out of his sails. We never ever again found anyone remotely close to Gene's vast abilities and talents. Thanks, Paul A Christner
Click Here to read the Autobiography of Quincy Welding's Gene East
Hugh Entrop
Hubert Entrop embarked on his outboard racing career in 1951. An employee of Boeing's model shop, Entrop built his own boats after carefully studying designs by Ted Jones.
In about 1956, Entrop heard rumors that Mercury was planning to manufacture a 60 horsepower, 6 cylinder engine suitable for racing, so Entrop built a boat in anticipation of the new motor. Over two years went by before the engine was put on the market. Kiekhaefer was interested in breaking the straightaway record for outboard powered boats and invited Entrop to Florida to run the new engine at Mercury's test facility, Lake X. The existing U.S. record was around 70 mph, but early in 1958, an Italian boat with a converted 61 cubic inch automobile engine reached 100.3 mph. Although many outboard purists felt the Italian mark was suspect, it became the goal for Entrop and Kiekhaefer.
Lake X had little space for a long running start and Entrop was unable to reach 90 mph. He had to return to Boeing and convinced Kiekhaefer to allow him to continue working toward the straightaway record in Seattle. With help from both Ted and Ron Jones, Entrop tested on the east channel of Lake Washington. On June 7, 1958, with Kiekhaefer and numerous reporters in attendance, Entrop became the first American to exceed 100 mph in an outboard. His official speed was 107.821 mph, set in front of Ted Jones' home on the east channel.
Soon after, Entrop and Kiekhaefer had a falling out. Entrop "defected" to OMC and on March 29, 1960, drove his Evinrude-powered Starflite Too to a new straightaway speed of 114 mph near Parker Dam, on the Colorado River in Arizona. In response, Kiekhaefer hired Burt Ross, another Seattle-area outboard driver who had been a star football player at U.P.S., to try to raise the speed. Using a boat designed by Ted Jones, Ross hit 115.547 mph on Lake Washington on May 5, 1960. Entrop broke that record on Lake Havasu at 122.979 mph later in 1960.
Entrop built another boat, Starflite III, and on September 17, 1960, using a 90 cubic inch Evinrude, he flew across Lake Havasu, Arizona, at 122.979 mph. By this time, Strang had left Mercury and was offering technical advice to Entrop and his crew. Strang soon joined OMC, eventually becoming Chairman of the Board.
Entrop built Starflite IV, but retired from racing without ever running it. In 1966, Gerry Walin took Starflite IV through the straightaway traps at a speed of 130.929 mph on Lake Havasu.
W. Claude Fox
William Claude Fox was born October 20, 1908 in Andersonville, TN, and died December 1, 2007 in Knoxville, TN. He was Knoxville's pioneer boatman and first marine dealer. Mr. Fox is best remembered in boat racing circles for restarting the National Outboard Association (NOA) after the name and the association went dormant for the duration of World War II. Prior to World War II, there had been a truce between the APBA and other racers racing under the NOA banner, who combined under an umbrella sanctioning organization known as the National Outboard Racing Committee. After WWII, members reactivated APBA but not the NOA, nor the NORC. Mr. Fox dedicated many years to the sport of outboard racing, holding numerous executive offices for the NOA. (A special biography on Mr. Fox's racing history will be added at a later date.) Claude Fox was also known for his photography, taking many of the photos that appeared in the NOA's Rooster Tail publications over the years. We are greatful to have many of Claude's photographs from over the years to share with you on our site, thanks to a long time outboard racer and family friend. (Please note: Mr. Fox is the gentleman on the right in the photo, Floyd Hopkins in the gentleman on the left.)
Click Here to see W. Claude Fox's NOA Photo Album
W. Claude Fox's NOA Photo Album - Page 2
W. Claude Fox's NOA Photo Album - Page 3
Freddie Goehl
Freddie Goehl raced for the Quincy Welding race team in the 1950's and 1960's, winning many races and titles for Quincy Welding. He also set several straight-a-way speed records.
Click Here to read more about Freddie Goehl
Marshall Grant
For those of you who have never heard the name, Marshall Grant was the road manager and bass player for the Johnny Cash band and one of the original Tennessee Three. Marshall Grant was also a famous boat owner that successfully campaigned Quincy Loopers for several years. He was one of the guys to beat in the Alky division. His most famous boat was named "Ring of Fire" after the famous Johnny Cash song. Marshall was known as an expert mechanic and he was good at set ups. In 1972 Marshall was President of N.O.A. At that time NOA was floundering and trying to find direction. Marshall provided a lot of ideas that helped N.O.A. become a stronger organization. Several drivers that became famous raced for Marshall Grant over the years, including Dick Pond and Billy Seebold.
Click here to read more about Marshall Grant
Kay Harrison
Kay Harrison held 4 world speed records in 1967 in the 1 mile straight-a-way, including A Runabout, B Hydro and B Runabout. He also held the Straightaway records in 1970 for A Hydroplane and B Runabout classes. Harrison was not only a racer, he and his father Milford "Millie" Harrison also imported the British Anzani outboard race engines. Millie started his business, Birmingham Metal Products, in the late 1920's. We are looking forward to posting more about Kay Harrison on his page soon as he has agreed to send us his racing biography and hopefully some photos. Please click on the link to read more about Kay Harrison.
Click Here to read more about Kay Harrison
R. C. Hawie
R. C. Hawie started racing in 1970 running a green DeSilva in C Stock Runabout with a 30H Mercury engine. He currently races under the number 44-F in 500cc Runabout in the US Title Series and runs various stock and mod runabout classes. R. C.'s accomplishments over the year include (but are not limited to): 1982 Gerry Waldman Award winner, 1982 & 1991 APBA High Point Champion in C Stock Runabout, 1993 North American Champion in C Stock Runabout, 1994 North American Champion in D Mod Runabout, 1994 APBA High Point Champion in D Mod, 1995 APBA National Champion Formula E Runabout, 1997 AOF National Champion in C Runabout, 2000 AOF National Champion in B Runabout and 2001 AOF National Champion in B Runabout. R. C. Hawie also collects antique outboards and race engines and is the Racing Historian for the Antique Outboard Motor Club.
Click Here to read more about R. C. Hawie
The Hellsten Racing Family
The Hellsten family is well known within racing outboard circles. Father Pete had a 50 year career in outboard racing. His honors include APBA Honor Squadron, Hall of Champions and numerous national championships. Son, Chris, was inducted into the APBA Hall of Champions 5 times, has set multiple competition records & holds several national championships. Son, Curt, is also a member of the Hall of Champions and has set numerous competition records & won many national championships. Daughter, Kristi Ellison, won the 1988 national championship in C-Service Hydro and is currently president of the US Title Series.
Click Here to read more on the Hellsten racing family
The Hopkins Racing Family - Floyd & Glen
Hopkin's Propeller Shop traces it's history from 1950 when FLoyd Hopkins began racing. The Hopkin's efforts have been directed toward full time propeller work since the late 1960's.
Glen later began racing boats as his father did.
Glen ran a sport E-Class Pro Tunnel Boat, that would run about 70 MPH.
Glen and his father Floyd founded Hopkins Propeller Service in Covington, Family owned, Glen still operates the business since Floyd Hopkins' passing in March 2005.
Glen has accumulated over 21 years of experience in the Hi-Performance Marine Industry and is certified by the National Marine Propeller Association as a Hi-Performance Propeller Technician. Glen continues now to supply the marine industry today with record-setting national and world champion propeller designs.
Click Here to read more about the Hopkins racing family
Bill Hosler's Photo Album, Page 2
John Jordan
John Jordan of San Antonio, Texas, was a World Championship winner in C Hydro and C Runabout in 1961.
Arthur (Art) Kennedy
Art Kennedy and his son Art Jr. (Butch) raced in NOA in the 1950's. Art Kennedy was, at that time, the only African American member of the NOA. He played football for Tuskegee while in school, then moved to St. Louis. In 1954 Art won 12 of the 15 races he entered, including a regatta at Quincy, Illinois. His son, Butch, was also racing at the age of 12, competing with adults even though he was only 4 foot 8 inches at the time. This article from Ebony magazine is the only information to date that we could find on the Kennedys. The exact date of the story is not known but believed to be mid to late 1950's.
Please click on the link to see the article regarding Art Kennedy.
Click Here to read more about Art Kennedy
Dan Kirts & the Kirts Family
The Kirts racing family consists of father Mel (Melvin) and sons Dan, Jerry and Tom. All are well known in outboard racing circles. Mel was chairman of the APBA in 1978. Dan is known for racing both boats and snowmobiles. Jerry won 2 National Championships in 1976 and 1977. Tom raced F Runabouts with much success.
Click Here to read more about the Kirts Racing Family
Krier Racing Family
Mike and Rich Krier are not only known for winning championships in outboard racing, they are also known for the fast race boats that Mike builds. Mike is a 5 time USTS Champion in 350 Runabout, 5 time USTS Champion in 250 Runabout, 2 time National Champion in 250 Runabout and 6 time National Champion in 350 Runabout. He has set 4 competition records. Mike has been racing for over 30 years.
Rich has won National Championships in 250, 350 and 500 Runabout and 700 Hydro. He has won USTS Championships in 250 and 500 Runabout classes. Rich started racing when he was 13 years old. He is married to his wife, Bev, who is a volunteer for the USTS. They have 2 children who have raced in the past. Rich is a home builder in the off season.
Ken Krier is crew chief for the Krier Team and also builds boats with Mike.
Racing is truly a family affair for the Kriers.
Click Here to read more about Rich and Mike Krier
Jack Kugler & Jeff Kugler
Jack Kugler broke and re-broke records in 250 Runabout using the Quincy "Z" Loopers in 1979. In 1981 at Lake Parker in Lakeland, FL, Jack won 3 championships in 125 Hydro, 250 Runabout and 350 Runabout. Jeff Kugler, Jack's son, started racing in 1977 at the World Championships - and took home the championship in 125cc M Hydro with a Quincy Welding "Z" engine. Jack and his son, Jeff, were both successful boat racers, winning many races and championships over the years.
Click here to read more on Jack & Jeff Kugler
Larry Latta
Larry Latta was a long time Quincy Welding customer and racer. Larry was originally from Iowa but lived in Illinois for many years. He raced under the number V-29. He was a long time member of the famous Outboard Club of Chicago and a good friend of Joe Michelini. Larry also served on the APBA Pro Racing Commission beginning under Chairman Mel Kirts in 1978. This picture is from Depue, Illinois, in 1974.
Click here to read more on Larry Latta
Stan Leavendusky
Stan Leavendusky Sr. started boat racing in the 1940's and raced for 2 decades. In 1959 he won a World Championship in C Runabout. In 1965, Stan started an outboard speed shop and custom pistons operation, which he ran successfully for many years. (Many of his ads can in found in old issues of the Rooster Tail, which we will be posting on this web site in the near future.) Stan's son, Stan Leavendusky Jr., was also a successful boat racer. Stan Jr. won both World and National Championships and set NOA competition records.
Ted May
Ted May played football for Manual Arts High School for seven years. He joined the Navy, December 1, 1941. He ended up being shipped out to the South Pacific. He spent 5 years and 2 months over seas.
When he returned, he played quarterback for the LA Dons, a pro team that was equal to the Rams at the time.
In 1955 began his outboard racing career. Ted raced every class and pulled his trailer with a 1955 T Bird -- six engines in the box and three hydros on the trailer. He drove for many people, such as Doc Collins in ARR, Harry Bartolomei in BRR and CRR.
In 1966, Jack Leek asked him to drive at Havasu and also asked him if he knew anyone who could drive a runabout...Ted said, RON HILL." At Havasu 1966, OMC had four boats, a Switzer that Ted drove, a Style Craft that Burt Ross drove, a 17' Glastron that Paul Kalb and Fred Miller drove, and a 16' Glastron that Ron Hill and Ernie Dawe drove. 128 boats, 4 OMC rigs, and Ted May was the leader after the first day of racing. Ted, in 1966, was already 46 years old. Ted ran every remaining Havasu race he could for the next 20+ years, well into his late 60's. Ted May was famous for his story telling. You can go to www.boatracingfacts.com and read the tribute to Ted May and his life.
McKean Racing Family
Like father, like son. These two racing legends are both Pro World record holders. Jim (father) and Sean (son) McKean of Lone Star Racing, out of Valley Ranch, Texas, are both well known in the outboard racing community for winning races and setting records.
Click here to read more on the McKeans
Bob Murphy
Bob Murphy was holder of the World Championship in C-1 Runabout class in 1971. More to be posted later.
The Nydahl Racing Family
There are three generations of Nydahls that have successfully campaigned in outboard racing over the years. Ray Nydahl has passed the racing torch on to his son, Pete, and granddaughter, Amy. Congratulations to 12 year old Kurtis Nydahl,the 2008 USTS K PRO Championship in his rookie season. Congratulations also to 14 year old Amy Nydahl for winning the 2008 USTS 125 Hydro Championship in her rookie season. Amy was also recipient of the prestigeous Larry Latta Memorial Trophy for the 125 Hydro class.
Click here for more on the Nydahls
Richard (Dick) O'Dea
Dick O'Dea is a name well known in outboard racing circles. We found a 1967 DePue, Illinois, race program for the APBA Nationals that described Dick as follows: "Richard (Dick) O'Dea, 33 year old, Paterson, New Jersey is a bachelor and his been driving A-C-D-F Hydros for the past 19 years. Among his many accomplishments, he was twice elected to the Gulf Hall of Fame and the All-American Racing Team; has been US High Point winner in stock and alky classes 8 times. In 1962 he held the A Hydro kilo record while in 1959 and again in 1961 he captured the D Stock Hydro National Championship. In his spare time he likes to bowl. Dick builds outboard engines, so naturally he does his own work, but leaves the boat building to others." Dick O'Dea was well known in the 1950's for his hop up racing kits for the Mercury Hurricanes and Mark 20Hs. These kits were known as Jones-O'Dea Redheads. Dick O'Dea has recently created his own web site regarding his racing career at http://dickodea.com/
W. J. (Dub) Parker
Dub Parker was well known within the racing community. In August of 1962, at a NOA event in Alabama, Dub won A Hydro, B Hydro, B Runabout, C Hydro and took 2nd in A Runabout and X Hydro. The following is taken from the 1967 DePue, Illinois, APBA Nationals Race Program: "W.J. (Dub) Parker, 46 years old, Gadsen, Alabama is married and has one child. Dub has been racing 21 years in A-B-C-D Hydro and Runabouts but prefers the B & C Hydro classes. He was awarded the Col. Green Trophy for the most points won in the Florida Citrus Circuit and the Wynn's Friction Mechanic of the Year Award. In 1965 he held the C Hydro record at Lakeland, FL as well as the B Racing Runabout. Dub likes to fly planes (he's no slouch on the water either) in his spare time and his family thinks boat racing is great. His occupation is Mechanic & Department Manager in a glass company. Dub builds the Dubinski boat and does his own mechanical work.
Click Here to see more on Dub Parker
Harry Pasturczak
If you have been around outboard racing for any length of time, you are probably aware of the name and reputation of the late Harry "Zak" Pasturczak (aka Pasturzak). Harry knew more about making Konigs go fast and his Zak-Konig race engines showed up in many of the outboard racing record books. Harry Zak was known for his expansion chambers, Zak intake and heads and other innovative ideas. Harry also, in his later years, contributed input and feedback to O. F. and Paul Christner on the R&D work of the Quincy Welding "Z" engines. This photo is of Harry and his brother, standing in front of a Quincy Z engine owned by the late Larry Latta.
Click Here to read more about Harry Pasturczak
Dick Pond
Dick Pond was originally from Keokuk, IA, a town just up the river from Quincy, IL. Dick was one of the best kneel down boat drivers around during the 50's and 60's. Dick started racing in 1953, driving A/B equipment for Ross Gibson out of Macomb, IL, and C/D/F equipment for Marvin Penn out of Meyer, IL. In one weekend in Texas and Oklahoma, Dick won 20 firsts, five seconds, and one third in 32 races. He won D Runabout championships three years in a row (1957, 1958 and 1959). In 1959, he was national high point driver finishing 20,000 points ahead of his closest competitor. In 1961, he won the B Hydro championship in Minneapolis, MN, driving for Bill Tenney, running a DeSilva Hydro with an Anzani engine.
In 1962, Dick teamed up with Marshall Grant. Marshall owned the equipment and Dick did the driving. Marshall's team ran Merc Quincy and Quincy Looper engines during this time period. Marshall did most of the set-up and engine tuning. Probably the most famous runabout in racing was the "Ring of Fire" DeSilva that Dick and Marshall campaigned. While driving for Marshall, Dick earned 5 world titles, 3 straight-away records, and won the NOA North/South Championship US Grant trophy twice. The 1962 Mishey-Vincent Trophy, one of the most coveted awards in the Professional Division, wet to Dick Pond. Dick retired from driving in the late 1960's. All together Dick Pond held 12 World Championships.
Click Here to read more about Dick Pond
Gary Pugh
Gary Pugh, of Knoxville, TN, is well known in boat racing circles as both a successful boat racer and boat builder. Gary currently races tunnel boats. In 2006 he finished 3rd in his class SST120 at the APBA OPC Nationals.
Rossi (GRM) - Giuseppe Rossi
Italian engine builder Giuseppe Rossi (GRM Engines) is known in the US as manufacturer of the Rossi outboard racing engines that are raced competitively by many of the drivers in the US Title Series. The US distributor for Rossi outboard racing engines is Rex Hall (who is also a Racing Legend on this page). Rossi's GRM outboard racing engines are well known in Europe and compete in the Formula Outboard Series/ International Powerboat Racing. The Rossi web site is www.GRMRacing.com. The photos of the Rossi factory and testing in Italy shown here are from 2004 and were taken and posted here with the permission of Mike Schmidt.
Click Here to see Photos of the Rossi Factory in Italy
Jim Schoch
Jim Schoch raced for Quincy Welding from 1957, when he started in C Service Runabout, into the early 1970's. He won several national championships in several classes and received numerous awards.
Click here to read more on Jim Schoch
John Schubert
John Schubert was a famous outboard race driver of the 1950's - 1970's that won several national championships and many awards. John ran a Quincy Looper B in 1968 and won 18 of the 21 races he competed in. That year, with his Quincy Looper, John also won the Regional, Divisional and National championships in his class. He now restores antique outboards for his personal collection, which you can see on the Collections page.
Click Here to read more on John Schubert
The Seebold Family
3 generations of Seebolds have made their mark on outboard racing. Bill Seebold Sr (Grandpa), Bill Seebold Jr (Billy) and his sons, Tim and Mike. Bill Jr won his 1st boat race at the age of 11 and claimed his 1st APBA national points title in 1958. Bill Jr's career spanned 48 years of outboard racing. Tim and Mike Seebold are also world champion boat racers with many titles to their careers.
Click here to read more on the Seebold family
Jerry Simison
Jerry Simison won many races running Quincy Welding outboard race engines. Jerry Simison, from Barnesville, Minnesota, was inducted into the 1965 Gulf Marine Hall of Fame for his racing accomplishments. In 1967 Jerry held the world speed record in B Runabout and 1 mile straight-a-way record in D Runabout. In 1970 Jerry held the competition records in A and C Runabout plus the straight-a-way records in C Runabout at 86.538 mph and D Runabout at 89.552 mph. This photo is of Jerry racing a Quincy Merc.
Click Here to read more about Jerry Simison
Tim Small
Tim Small has won 7 National Championships, 2 UIM World Championships, 9 Title Series Championships, 8 competition speed records and inducted into the 2008 APBA Hall Of Champions. His pit crew is Tom Small, Jerry McCoy and Roy Boats. Tim comes from a family background in racing. His father, Tom Small, started racing in 1940 and was a
NOA and APBA National Champion in the 1950s.
Click Here to see more on race legend Tim Small.
J. A. Lon Stevens
J. A. Lon Stevens started racing alky outboards in the 1950's. In 1960 a racing accident seriously handicapped Lon, forcing him to give up his truck-driving career. Needing a new career, Lon built a machine shop in his garage. This machine shop served two purposes, rehabilitation for his hand, which was damaged in the 1960 crash, and creating a new source of income for his family. Lon's first APBA achievement was in 1962 when he set the C Service Runabout record at 59.027 mph. From 1966 on, Lon Stevens accomplished many F Runabout championships. Lon was known for his 60 and 66 cubic inch "Full House Six". His 1100cc Runabout record remained unbeaten for over 25 years.
Lon, a self-taught man, continued the racing development of the cross-flow scavenged Mercury when O. F. Christner changed to the Quincy-Loop scavanged design. Those "Full House" engines were most recognizable by their removable heads and three additional carburetors to the side of the crankcase. There are many champions that have utilized Lon's engines to achieve success.
Aside from working on engines, Lon was also involved in local politics. Lon was the chairman of Region 11 and was responsible for initiating the 44 cubic inch Mercury Class in the PRO category, currently run as a Formula E in the Modified Division. Lon also had a good eye for hydroplane design. Working with his son, the late John F. Stevens as his driver, they were able to overcome the high center of gravity problems inherent to the in-line Mercury. The kilo record for 1100CC Hydro is 122.376, set by John F. Stevens, twenty years ago, it stands as a tribute to father and son.
Click Here to see Lon Steven's rare 1100cc 6 cyl Engine
John Stevens
At the age of 17, on April 4, 1982, at Moorehaven, FL, John Stevens set a world kilo record in 125 cc Hydro with a Quincy Z engine at 76.184 mph. That record held for 24.5 years, as it was not broken until October 14, 2006.
At 18, Stevens was the youngest hydroplane racing driver to be inducted into the APBA Hall of Champions, the highest accolade a driver can earn in powerboat racing.
At 19, he duplicated the feat, chalking up more national and world championships along the way and establishing world records in the process.
At 20, he was on the same course. He established another world record and was also leading in high points in two different racing classes. All he had left to accomplish to be inducted once again into the Hall of Champions was to win a race at the 1985 Nationals.
Stevens traveled to Depue,IL, in September of 1985 to compete for another title and possible induction into the Hall of Champions but it was not to be. He received a telephone call that his grandfather, Ray Stevens, had died. Without hesitation, Stevens packed his bags and returned to Orlando without finishing the races.
In 1985, Stevens set another new world record (his 3rd) by averaging 98.7 miles per hour in two one-kilometer runs. He also set three national records in two 5-mile races and one 3-mile race. Although he was not inducted into the APBA Hall of Champions for a 3rd consecutive year in 1985, Stevens did retain his world championship and high points trophies. He went on to win many more races and set more records in his outboard racing career.
Click Here to read more about John's remarkable Racing Career
Charles (Charlie) D. Strang
From his first outboard race in 1937 to his years as Chairman & Chief Executive of Outboard Marine Corporation, Charles D. Strang served as a driving force in the recreational marine industry.
Mr. Strang called himself ''an outboard motor fanatic since the age of 9 or 10.'' At the age of 15, he said, he began racing boats, and still closely follows the sport.
Mr. Strang grew up in the Flatbush area of Brooklyn and is a graduate of the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. He served in the Army Air Corps in World War II and was assigned as a civilian employee to a Government agency working on engine development.
Early applications of his talent included experimental testing on aircraft engines for the former Wright Aeronautical Corporation, project research on early jet engines at what is now NASA, and teaching as a member of the mechanical engineering staff at Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1947 to 1951.
After the war, he was on the mechanical engineering staff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and later joined Karl Kiekhafer in his Wisconsin company, which made Mercury outboards. When the company was sold he freelanced for two years before joining Outboard Marine in 1964. He became its president in 1974 and its chief executive in 1980.
Charlie Strang was a prominent figure in the American Power Boat Association for many years. Serving as the APBA president from 1963-1964, Charlie’s devotion to the organization helped make it the premier boat racing association in the nation.
Click Here to read more about Charlie Strang
George Taylor
George Taylor's racing career began with his father, Byrne, racing stock cars in 1948. His father took up outboard racing in 1949 and George soon followed, launching his own successful outboard racing career. In 1959 George participated in the first ever boat races held at the Daytona International Speedway on Lake Lloyd. Throughout the 1960's and 1970's George raced both sports cars and motorcycles. He continued racing motorcycles into the 1990's before finally retiring from racing. This 1949 photo is of George and his father with his father's 1949 Packard pulling a trailer with a Mishy M Hydro on top.
Click Here to read more about George Taylor's racing career.
Buddy Tennell
Buddy Tennell of Buford, Georgia, races in the US Title Series under boat number F40. Buddy's team is named Hydroplaning When Wet. Crew chief is his wife, Jean. Buddy is a 10 time APBA High Point Champion in 125cc Hydro (1989, 1993-2001). He is also a 6 time APBA National Champion in 125cc Hydro, APBA National Champion in 125cc Runabout, UIM World Champion in 125cc Hydro & 175cc Hydro. Buddy was inducted into the APBA Hall of Champions in 2000. Buddy has also set 2 Competition Speed Records in 1-1/4 mile and 3/4 mile.
Bill Tenney
Bill Tenney was a well known boat racer that won many races in the 1950's and 1960's. At Dayton, Ohio, at May of 1955, Bill set a new B Hydro speed record of 68.311 mph.
Click Here to read more about Bill Tenney
The Thirlby Family
The Thirlby boat racing family is another boat racing family with multiple generations of outboard racers.
The Thirlbys are well known in their hometown of Traverse City, Michigan, for the family owned and operated business, Thirlby Automotive. The company was born literally out of the trunk of a car in 1956 when 17 year old Edwin G. Thirlby drove around the area giving demonstrations and taking orders for car polish at the local gas stations. Around 1963 Ed and wife, Beverly, opened their first real store in Traverse City. A cigar box for a cash register, Thirlby Automotive was born. In 1965, with business growing, the company moved just down the street into an old hardware building. Operating from that location for the next seven years, until 1972, at which time the company moved into an old fruit canning factory where it remains to this day as the location of the main store and corporate office. Through out the next 25 years, Ed and Bev added 5 branch store locations throughout Northern Michigan. With 3 more locations being opened later under the new management of their son Edwin (Eddie) and daughter Julie (Thirlby) Strait. Edwin & Julie took over total control of the operations of the company in 1995. Ed has since retired, while he remains an "administrative consultant" to the company when needed, he enjoys spending most of his time working in his machine shop at home: building, machining, and repairing the engines for the company boat racing team.
Click here to read more on the Thirlbys
Louis Williams
Louis Williams of Beaumont, Texas, won many races and was World Champion in the A Runabout class in 1971. Louis was a member for many years of the Lone Star Boat Racing Association. He started outboard racing in 1946, and was well known in the outboard racing community. Louis passed away on 9/12/11 at the age of 81.
Bobby Wilson
Bobby Wilson held the World Championship title for A Hydroplane class in 1971. More about Bobby to be posted later.
George Yeakley
George Yeakley started racing in the late 40's with an A class hydro and later in the early 50's raced C-Service hydro and runabout and in the free for all class. He drove a Neal conventional hydro and later found the Neal 3-point hydro was more competitive. He worked on both his speeditwins and won many Midwest races. He raced against drivers such as Bill Seebold, Ellis Willoughby and his close friend Allan Locke. George retired from racing after becoming the midwest Johnson outboard dealer.
Click Here to read more about George Yeakley