Bill Hosler
Bill Hosler began his outboard racing career in the 1950's and is still going strong in 2010 at the age of 79. Bill currently races in the 175cc Hydro class, which reaches speeds of 85 to 100 mph. Bill has won numerous races over the years and is well known within the outboard community for his contributions to not only outboard racing, but also the various charities associated with the racing events. We want to send a special thanks to Bill for sharing photos from his personal racing photo album with us here at QuincyLooperRacing.
Bill Hosler & Family
Bill Hosler has been friends with the Christner family since the 1950's. The engine on the boat in the photo is a 44 cubic inch Quincy Looper.
Bill & daughter Cindy - 1977
Bill and daughter Cindy at Alexandria, LA, races in 1977.
Cindy Hosler - B Stock Runabout
Cindy Hosler & Ralph Donald - Hinton Nationals
Cindy Hosler & Dub Parker racing - Lakeland
Cindy Hosler & Buddy Smith - Sebring
Bill in 350cc Hydro - Avon Park, FL
1947 - Konig Letter to APBA
1947 - Konig Letter to APBA (2)
1951 - Jack Kugler & Friend
1952 Stock Nationals - Lake Merrit, CA
1950's - Dieter & Eleanora Konig
1959 - Dortch, Christner & Goehl
1959 - David Christner over backwards
This accident happened at Springfield, IL.
1959 - Bill Seebold Jr, Ken Nicholes & Joe Benoist
Ralph Scott & Johnny Mann - Knoxville
Runabouts - Brinkman, Tenney & all
Dub Parker & Ralph Donald
1961 - NOA World Championships
Buddy Smith on Sarasota Bay
Jack Stanford trying for Kilo Record
Y30 - Bill Seebold - Granite City
1962 - Article - New C Hydro
1962 - Inside Ted May's Racing Trailer
Ron Hill & Frank Zorkan - Runabouts
1962 - Raymond Owen - Worlds
Dick O'Dea - W. Adams B Konig
Ralph Donald & Bill DeSilva
Stone, Cooper & Parker - Lakeland
Dub Parker & Ralph Donald racing
1976 - 6 cyl, 9 carb Quincy Looper
1984 or 85 - Lakeland, FL
1984 or 85 - Bill, Konig & Kirts Brothers
1984 or 85 - Konig & Hanz
1989 - Zack, Stan & Bill Van
1990 - Dan Kirts receives award
2002 - Ralph Donald, Wonder Bread Boat
2003 - Ed Thirlby & Howard Anderson
For More Photos, See Page 2 of Hosler's Album