X51 Rich Krier at Inverness, FL - 2008
Mike and Rich Krier are not only known for winning championships in outboard racing, they are also known for the fast race boats that Mike builds. Mike is a 5 time USTS Champion in 350 Runabout, 5 time USTS Champion in 250 Runabout, 2 time National Champion in 250 Runabout and 6 time National Champion in 350 Runabout. He has set 4 competition records. Mike has been racing for over 30 years.
Rich has won National Championships in 250, 350 and 500 Runabout and 700 Hydro. He has won USTS Championships in 250 and 500 Runabout classes. Rich started racing when he was 13 years old. He is married to his wife, Bev, who is a volunteer for the USTS. They have 2 children who have raced in the past. Rich is a home builder in the off season.
Ken Krier is crew chief for the Krier Team and also builds boats with Mike.
Racing is truly a family affair for the Kriers.
2010 - Mike Krier at Constantine, MI
X-50 Mike Krier and F-5 Tim Small race deck to deck in 350cc Runabout.
2010 - Rich Krier at Constantine, MI
This picture of V-23 Paulie Bosnich and X-51 Rich Krier was taken just before the two boats bumped going into turn one, putting a small hole in the deck of Rich's boat and bending a fin on Paulie's. (Photo courtesy of Dale Hoffert.)
2010 - Rich Krier at Constantine, MI
X51 Rich Krier and the 77-T Bruce Nicholson boat, driven by Buddy Tennell in 250cc Runabout. Rich went on to win, followed by Tim Small and Mike Krier.