Mel Kirtz receiving 'Fox' Award
Dan, Mel & Jerry
Photo courtesy of Bill Hosler, from the Claude Fox collection.
Dan Kirts - 1971 World Champion in B Hydroplane
Kirts and Austin battling for position
Jerry Kirts
Jerry Kirts was the 700cc Hydro National Championship winner for both 1976 and 1977.
Kirts & Simison battling for position
Mel Kirts - 1971 World Champion in F Hydroplane
Dan & Jerry Kirts with a C Konig
Photo courtesy of Wayne Baldwin.
1975 - Jerry Kirts at Huntsville, AL
Jerry Kirts with Stan (Butch) Leavendusky Jr.
1978 - Mel Kirts
(Photo courtesy of Wayne Baldwin.)
1977 - Dan Kirts & 8 Cylinder Konig
Dan Kirts, driving a hydro with a one of a kind, 8 cylinder Konig engine for Marshall Grant, was written up in an article printed in the 8/19/77 Hinton Daily News. Marshall Grant was well known as a member of the Johnny Cash band. This 8 cylinder Konig engine is now part of a collection owned by Mark Suter, which can be found under the Collections section of this web site.
1977 - Dan Kirts & 8 Cylinder Konig (2)
Page 2 of the 1977 article.
1977 - Article - World Championships
Article appearing in the local Alexandria, LA, newspaper about the Kirts brothers and Bruce Nicholson at the World Championships.
1977 - Article - World Championships (2)
1980 Nationals - 700cc Hydro