Eldredge Racing at Inverness - 2007
Marshall Eldredge, Sr. – Patriarch of the Eldredge Racing Family. He began his racing career in 1926 in Boston, MA. He set records in closed course as well as straightaway in places such as the first Outboard Nationals in Peoria, IL in 1929. In 1937 he won the prestigious Albany to NY marathon. He was elected to the APBA Honor Squadron. Known for his motor work including the Eldredge X engine. He ended his active racing career in 1952 but would continue to be active as an inspector.
Barbara "Bobbie" Eldredge was very proud of her family's involvement in racing and their contribution to the history of outboard racing. Her Grandfather lived in Massachusetts until the late 40's when he moved to Florida with the boys (Marshall Jr. and Donald). Bobbie spent the weekend in 1971 with her Grandfather in Lakeland during the annual Orange Cup Regatta. Marshall (Sr.) was the engine inspector that weekend. A few day after the race, Marshall died suddenly of a heart attack. A true legend in outboard racing died that day... Marshall was the man behind Clint Ferguson. All of Clint's equipment was prepared by Marshall, including the Eldredge X class engine. Starting with Clint winning the 1933 Nationals in class A in his rookie season - through the 1940 season. In between, Clint won 10 National Championships and broke numerous records. In the early years, Marshall set many outboard racing records and several times held the distinction of being the worlds fastest outboard. Marshall himself, was the overall winner in the Albany-NYC Marathon in 1937. There were many outboard inventions that came from Marshalls creativeness. To Bobbie though he was her Grampa!
Her Father- Marshall Jr. was very special to Bobbie... He knew how to do everything! When she started racing ASH, it was his support that she relied on. She ran 20ssH and eventually 125ccH. In 1994 after many years of racing, she won the Nationals in the popular 125ccH class at DePue. That same day, she rode in Jim Kirt's 1100ccR and won again!
His sons Marshall, Jr. and Donald Eldredge began racing in Hackensack, NJ in 1945 in the “A” Outboard class at the ages of 15 and 13. Marshall, Jr. is still actively inspecting and racing in the 125ccH class. Marshall, Jr. had 3 children. Marshall 3rd, Barbara, and Debra. Donald had 4 children. Steven, Denise, Susan and David.
Steven and Marshall, 3rd both started racing in 1971 before the death of their Grandfather. All members of the third generation would become active in racing. Between them are a number of records and championships.
Amy, Wendy & Parents at Lake Wales, FL - 2007
The Fourth generation is now making their mark in outboard racing. Marshall, Jr’s grandchildren are Jon Eldredge, Marshall Eldredge the 4th and Peter Crowley, Jr. Donald’s grandchildren are Nic and Ben Thompson, Katie and Jason Sailor, and Amy and Wendy Eldredge. Amy drives F-14 and started racing in 2004. In 2006 she was the KPRO Hydro National Champion. Wendy, driving F-4, started racing in 2006. Wendy was the 2007 KPRO Hydro National Champion. David Eldredge is crew chief for both girls.
Eldredges at Inverness - 2008
Marshall Eldredge F11 at Inverness - 2008
Eldredge Race Team at Lake Wales - 2008