W. Claude Fox's NOA Photo Album
Claude Fox's racing photos cover several decades. We will attempt to put the photos in order by time frame, oldest to newest, and identify the people in the photos to the best of our ability. Some photos were labeled, most were not. If you are an outboard racing fan and have knowledge of some of the photos - dates, locations, people, etc - please email us at QuincyWelding@aol.com with the information. Thanks.
First NOA Member with Claude Fox
Article - Around the Circuit
Carlton Johnson in a Hydro
Class 'B' Runabouts Racing
1953 Yankee - Rebel Event
According to the July 1953 Rooster Tail, the 3rd annual Yankee - Rebel event took place in Knoxville, TN. The barb wire in the photo separated the "Northern" and "Southern" team members in the pit areas, and each "side" was flying the appropriate flag over their pit areas. Bill Tenney aka General Grant lead the Northern team and Charley George aka General Lee lead the Southern team. Unfortunately for the Yanks, their leader, Tenney, had an accident in the 1st heat of B Hydro on the 2nd day that put him in the hospital. The Rebels went on to take back the crown and the Captain Waide Hughes trophy. The event was sanctioned by the NOA and sponsored by the Knoxville Boat Club.
Unknown Racer accepting Award
1950's - Dieter Konig of Germany
Award Winners - 1950's
Unfortunately, we do not have a list of names of these award winning racers. David Christner is the last person on the right in the front row. If you know any of these racers, please email us.
1954 - Ralph Johnson & Claude Fox
Ralph Johnson (left) receives National High Point Trophy from Claude Fox (right)for 1953 at an April 1954 awards event. Johnson was seriously injured at the Division IV Nationals in October of 1953 but still racked up enough points to take home the trophy.
A young Dick Pond racing Mercs
1950's - Schulze, Konig & Von Raffy
Award Winners - Konig, Kincaid & Pettifer
Arlen Crouch of Quincy Welding
1956 - Division IV World Champs
The front row consists of the 1956 Division IV World Championship Winners (left to right): Freddie Goehl (Quincy Welding), Junior Scott (Quincy Welding), John Dortch, Ralph Hemminghaus & Jerry Lines. Not shown was Dick Pond. Standing 2nd from left in the back row is David Christner, who took 2nd in both A & B Runabout classes.
Art Kennedy
Art Kennedy and his son Art Jr. (Butch) raced in NOA in the 1950's. Art Kennedy was, at that time, the only African American member of the NOA.
Jerry, Paul & Doc Simison
Dub Parker receiving award
2 Runabouts in the Wet Pits
Jerry 'Gerry' Waldman
Jerry (his name was actually spelled Gerry) Waldman was probably the best known racer for the Quincy Welding racing teams. Over the lifetime of his racing career, Waldman at one time or another raced every class of Stock runabout and hydro plus alky hydro in APBA and NOA classes. He won at least 45 national championships, 26 APBA titles and 19 NOA titles. His fantastic career will probably never be equalled.
Charlie Strang & Manuel Carnakis
1965 - Starflite Too
The Starflite Too was the world's fastest outboard in 1965, driven by Hugh Entrop of Seattle, WA. The boat reached a record speed of 122.979 mph.
Starflite Too - View of Motor
Bill Holland's record setting boat
Flying Scott - Leaving the Beach
Waldman, Goehl & May
3 Legends of Racing: Gerry (Jerry) Waldman, Freddie Goehl and Ted May.
North South Races - Bill Hosler & Family
The motor in the photo is a 44 cubic inch Quincy Looper.
World Championships - Pit Photo
Jerry Simison & Papa Smith
Bill Seebold accepting trophy
1958 - Bill Seebold Jr takes a spill
Runabouts - Countors, Kugler & Hamfield
Dub & Billie Parker - NOA Awards
1960's - Ralph Donald & Konig engine
Please see page 2 of the Fox Photo Album