1939 Midget Class National Champ, Don Whitefield
Joel Thorne racing a Runabout
Hal Kitterman & Bob Meyer
Close Competition - Runabouts
Group of Champions - year unknown
Bill Holland & flying Scott motor
1950's Championship Awards
Hydro 11F with Quincy Merc motor
Bill Fales & Jerry Peterson
Freddie Goehl racing a Quincy Merc
One of Quincy Welding's team boats, V-1000, with a Quincy Merc motor.
Deiter Schultz of Germany
Claude Fox
Claude Fox receiving the "key" to an Ohio city.
Jimmy Aderholdt & his Hydro
1965 - Mike O'Brien in a Hydro
1965 - Ted May & a Quincy Flathead
1966 - Portsmouth, OH - NOA Nationals
We received the following information on this photo from Mike O'Brien. Thanks Mike! 1966, Portsmouth Ohio NOA AM-Pro Nationals. In the back ground is a trailer, it has Brinkman on it, this was Harry Brinkman's sponsors equipment, a Dr. Donato from Indianapolis. In the water is Harry with the boat, 1-US, his back is to the camera. I won "A" that day but had a heat issue (it was hot and I about blacked out after the race). No gatorade back then! I still have this boat and motor in the archives, the boat however is in Indianapolis at our old house wrapped up and was placed high up in the rafter above the garage. Still there to my knowledge, maybe some day I will see about getting it back. Engine is stored here with me and is in my den on display.
Ralph Donald & Konig engine
Billy Seebold
Billy Seebold (left) standing behind a Crescent engine.
Walter Courtois & Bob Lowry
The boat in the background has a Quincy Merc engine on it.
Willie Hobson accepts award
XF Quincy Merc on a Seajay Boat
Famous Racers - Kirtz, Parker, Grant, Waldman, Simmison