Marshall Grant
Marshall Grant is probably best known as being one of the Tennessee Three, the band that played with renowned country western singer and legend, Johnny Cash.
From his early stardom until his last years as a performer, Johnny Cash chose to work with only one band and depended upon it for the unique sound that would come to be recognized by millions of fans as "the Johnny Cash sound."
The band began in the mid-1950s as The Tennessee Two, consisting of Cash's friends Luther Perkins on electric guitar and Marshall Grant on upright bass. Originally called the Tennessee Three, Sam Phillips of Sun records suggested that the band be called Johnny Cash and the Tennessee Two. In 1960, drummer W.S. Holland joined the group, which was then renamed The Tennessee Three.
Marshall left the group in 1980. Marshall was well known within the outboard racing community for his race team, fast boats and winning drivers.
Dick Pond
Marshall Grant had several drivers that raced for him. Many of you may have heard of Dick (Dickie) Pond. Dick Pond was originally from Keokuk, IA, a town just up the river from Quincy, IL. Dick was one of the best kneel down boat drivers around during the 50's and 60's. Dick started racing in 1953, driving A/B equipment for Ross Gibson out of Macomb, IL, and C/D/F equipment for Marvin Penn out of Meyer, IL. In one weekend in Texas and Oklahoma, Dick won 20 firsts, five seconds, and one third in 32 races. He won D Runabout championships three years in a row (1957, 1958 and 1959). In 1959, he was national high point driver finishing 20,000 points ahead of his closest competitor. In 1961, he won the B Hydro championship in Minneapolis, MN, driving for Bill Tenney, running a DeSilva Hydro with an Anzani engine.
In 1962, Dick teamed up with Marshall Grant. Marshall owned the equipment and Dick did the driving. Marshall's team ran Merc Quincy and Quincy Looper engines during this time period. Marshall did most of the set-up and engine tuning. Probably the most famous runabout in racing was the "Ring of Fire" DeSilva that Dick and Marshall campaigned. While driving for Marshall, Dick earned 5 world titles, 3 straight-a-way records, and won the NOA North/South Championship US Grant trophy twice. The 1962 Mishey-Vincent Trophy, one of the most coveted awards in the Professional Division, went to Dick Pond. Dick retired from driving in the late 1960's. All together Dick Pond held 12 World Championships.
Dick Pond driving for Marshall
Bill (Billy) Seebold
After Dick quit driving for Marshall, another famous driver teamed up with him in the late 60's. His name was Billy Seebold. At that time, Marshall had switched over to the Konig engines. Billy and Marshall campaigned the "Ring of Fire II" and another boat named "Miss Folsum". Together this team also won many championships. This photo was taken in 1972 at Gravois Mills, MO at the very first AOF alky race, and was the first in what was called the Gulf Canadian series. After the 1972 season, Seebold left Grant's race team to run OPC full time.(See also the Seebold family under Race Legends.)
Grant Racing Trailer - 1960's
Photo of Billy Seebold standing by Marshall Grant's race trailer. In the background is singer/ songwriter & pit man Carl Perkins. Carl was the writer and singer of the original version of the song "Blue Suede Shoes."
Johnny Cash & Ring of Fire - 1965
1969 Rooster Tail
A special thanks to Johnny Dortch for sending us a huge collection of Rooster Tails, race programs, magazines, photos, articles, etc that he collected over a period of 40+ years.
Rooster Tail with Ring of Fire on cover
K-4 with a 1972 Konig engine
Editorial by Tim Chance/Hydroplane Quarterly
Lakeland 1974 and the 8 Cylinder Konig Engine
At Lakeland, FL, in 1974, Charlie Bailey drove for Marshall Grant a special 8 cylinder Konig on a Byers hydro. According to Wayne Baldwin, his Butts boat "Honcho" was delivered by Tim to the Baldwins at that race in Lakeland. In 1976, Wayne's father gave "Honcho" to Marshall Grant and then Dan Kirts ran the 8 cylinder Konig on that boat. This one of a kind engine is now in the private collection of Mark Suter (see also Mark Suter collection).
Ring of Fire - Restored
The boat in the picture is a restored Ring of Fire, owned by Art Neadeck of Quincy, IL. The original Ring of Fire, DeSilva built boat ran in the CR, DR and F Runabout NOA classes.
Artie Neadeck & Marshall Grant
Artie Neadeck presenting Marshall Grant with a copy of Marshall's famous boat, Ring of Fire. Artie hand crafted the replica last winter. Artie is also the owner of the restored original Ring of Fire, which he displays at outboard shows throughout the midwest.