Larry & Boat weighing in - date?
Larry running V-29 in mid 1970's
Photo by Wayne Baldwin.
1977 - Larry wins C Service Hydro Championship
Photo from local newspaper of Larry Latta after winning the C Service Hydro championship at the Worlds held at Alexandria, LA, in 1977. Larry set a new speed record for C Service during this event.
Larry with a Quincy Z 350 engine
Photo contributed by Wayne Baldwin. Wayne is also a former winning outboard racer with many records. You can read more about Wayne on his Racing Legends page.
Larry's Z350 Engine - Alexandria, LA - 1979
Photo courtesy of Wayne Baldwin.
Larry Latta working on his Quincy Z 350 engine
Photo also by Wayne Baldwin.
Larry with his Quincy Z 350 engine
Photo also by Wayne Baldwin.
Larry at Alexandria, LA in 1981
Photo by Wayne Baldwin.