1947 - St. Louis National Power Boat Races
According to the article, approximately 100,000 people were in attendance at this event.
1947 - St. Louis National Power Boat Races
According to the top picture, Paul Wearly of Muncie, Indiana, was in the lead.
1953 - Junior Wagner
Junior Wagner accepting the trophy as 1953 NOA B Runabout Championship winner.
1953 - 1st DeSilva Runabout at Quincy Welding
Junior Wagner & Quincy Welding employee, Eddie Palmer, with the 1st DeSilva runabout brought to Quincy Welding. Note: This boat is now owned by Artie Neadeck of Quincy.
1953 Article: Pop Willis, Boat Builder
Article about Pop Willis of Dallas, Texas, and his Willis Boat Works.
1953 Article: Pop Willis, Boat Builder (2)
1953 Article: Pop Willis, Boat Builder (3)
1953 Article: Pop Willis, Boat Builder (4)
1955 - Art Kennedy, Cairo, IL
According to the article, Art Kennedy took 2 victories at the NOA championships at Cairo, IL, in 1955.
1956 - Meyers, Illinois, Regatta
Article from the Quincy Herald-Whig regarding the upcoming boat race at Meyers, IL, on the Mississippi River. Meyers, IL, flooded in the late 1990's and was never rebuilt.
1956 - Meyers, Illinois, Regatta
According to the October 1956 issue of the NOA's Rooster Tail, the Meyers race event was the Division IV World Championships. The village of Meyer had a population of 83 people at that time. Over 300 drivers participated and an estimated crowd of 20,000 race fans lined the banks of the Mississippi River to watch. 16 boats were allowed in each heat and all classes held elimination heats to narrow down the race field. On Sunday, Dick Pond set a new competition record of 53.503 mph in D Runabout, breaking Art Kennedy's old record of 51.428 mph set at Cairo, IL, in 1955.
1956 - D Runabouts, Meyer, IL
Art Kennedy and Art Penn(?) getting ready for D Runabout at the Meyer, IL, regatta.
1956 - Art Kennedy & Dick Pond
Art Kennedy & Dick Pond at Meyer, IL, regatta in 1956.
1957 - Article re DuQuoin State Fair boat races
This article regarding the August 1958 NOA boat races scheduled for the opening day of the state fair mentions Johnny Dortch, 1956 Mid States overall high point winner, and Art Kennedy, 1955 B Runabout World Champion. The article mentioned the fair was also featuring the Joie Chitwood Thrill Show on the opening day, along with the boat races. (Please note: Johnny Dortch and Art Kennedy are both featured as Racing Legends on this web site.)
1958 - Quincy Memorial Regatta Events Schedule
1962(?) - Orange Cup Regatta
This is page 2 of an article from the local paper, the Lakeland Ledger, regarding the 1962(?) Orange Cup Regatta held at Lakeland, Florida. You will note that O. F. Christner, owner of Quincy Welding, participated in racing at that event and took a first in the 2nd heat of A Runabout. The Orange Cup Regatta is still in existence and you can find photos from the 2009 event on this site under Race Events.
1966 - Billy Seebold, Best Driver
Billy Seebold was recognized in this article as the Best Driver of 1966 by the APBA at the World Championships held at Midland, Michigan. Billy is shown in this photo with his boat and Quincy Welding D Looper race engine.
1966 - Billy Seebold, Best Driver (2)
According to the article, Billy Seebold won his first race in 1952 at the age of 11. By the age of 25, when this article was written, Billy had won 10 world championships and 7 national championships. (See also the Seebold racing family under Race Legends on this web site.)
Sept. 1967 - QuincyWelding letter to customer
September 27, 1967 hand-written letter by O. F. Christner to a customer.
1967 - Quincy Welding letter to customer (pg 2)
Oct. 1967 - QuincyWelding letter to customer
October 27, 1967 letter by O. F. Christner to a customer.
1969 - Alexandria, LA article
1969 Article: World Championships
1970 - NOA World Championships
Tim Chance covered the 1970 NOA World Championships held in Alexandria, LA, in the Winter 1971 edition of his magazine, Hydroplane Quarterly. According to Tim, Billy Seebold Jr, won a record 6 championships in Alexandria after being winless at the APBA world championships held in DePue, IL, earlier in the year. Seebold drove for team owner, Marshall Grant, a member of the Johnny Cash country western band.
1970 - NOA World Championships (2)
Page 9 of the winter 1971 Hydroplane Quarterly magazine, covering the NOA World Championships in Alexandria, LA.
1970 - NOA World Championships (3)
Although Billy Seebold Jr. & his Konigs took home 6 championships at this event, drivers racing Quincy Welding motors managed to take home 4 titles -- Louis Williams in A Runabout, Jerry Waldman in C Hydro & X Hydro, and Mel Kirts in F Hydro. Mel's son, Dan, won the championship in B Hydro with a Konig motor. Dan's son, Jim, races today as 3rd generation of this well known outboard racing family.
1971 - Hydroplane Quarterly - APBA Championships
This article taken from the Hydroplane Quarterly magazine covered the 1971 APBA Championships held in DePue, IL. Courtesy of the publisher, Tim Chance.
1971 - Hydroplane Quarterly - APBA Championships (2)
Mentioned on page 7, Wally Roman, Wayne Walgrave, Jerry Waldman and Jerry Peterson, all racing Quincy Welding motors, were very competitive in F Hydro. Jerry Waldman took the Championship in this class.
1971 - Hydroplane Quarterly - APBA Championships (3)
Jerry Waldman, racing Quincy Welding Loopers, took home the championships in both A Hydro and C Hydro. According to Tim, Jerry defeated Billy Seebold Jr, driving a Konig, in C Hydro by 1.1 seconds. Now that's competitive racing!
1972 - Quincy Welding price list
1972 - Quincy Welding price list for modifications
1973 - Huntsvilla, AL Race Ad
1982 - Quincy Welding parts price list
1982 - Quincy Welding price list - modifications