The mobile Quincy Welding Museum
More of Artie's Collection
Artie's 2nd Grade Drawings
Artie was already dreaming of boat racing in 2nd grade. Note the boat's number is X1000 -- raced by the Quincy Welding race team.
Artie's 2nd Grade Racing Book
Artie was in 2nd grade at Franklin Elementary School in Quincy, IL, in 1954 at the time he made this "racing book."
X1000 - B Runabout with a KG-7 Merc motor
Artie running around Quincy Bay in his rare, restored Quincy runabout.
1979 - Artie racing C-Service Runabout
Artie in 1979 racing a 13 foot DeSilva C-Service Runabout that came from the Brinkmans in Springfield, IL. It was powered by a Quincy D Mod Deflector experimental engine with Quincy Welding developed expansion chambers. Very fast outfit.
1979 - Artie racing a DeSilva
Artie racing a 13 foot DeSilva runabout that was the last DeSilva sold by Quincy Welding/ Precision Machine.
1979 - Artie and the V5 DeSilva runabout
Artie at play, again with the last DeSilva sold by Quincy Welding/ Precision Machine, powered by a restored Quincy C Looper engine he owns.
Banner from 2003 O. F. Christner Memorial Meet
As mentioned on the Collections page, Artie Neadeck organized and coordinated the 2003 memorial race and meet honoring O. F. Christner and his racing legacy. It was held in Quincy, Illinois, at the Twin Oaks boat club on the Quincy Bay of the Mississippi River. Quincy Welding water tested most of their outboard racing engines at Twin Oaks.
2003 O. F. Christner Memorial
This photo is of O. F. Christner's 3 sons and some of the former Quincy Welding employees in attendance. On behalf of the Christner family, we again offer a special thanks to Artie for his hard work and effort in putting together this very successful event.
2003 O. F. Christner - Display Board by Artie
2003 - Artie & Dick Pond
Artie and Dick Pond at the 2003 O. F. Memorial meet.
30 ci 4 cylinder Looper owned by Artie Neadeck
2 cylinder B Looper owned by Artie
This B Looper, #FB-221, was manufactured by Quincy Welding in 1969. The original owner was Ed Eastman. Artie restored it with the help of Mark Hummelsheim, a former top flight outboard mechanic of Quincy Welding.
Jim McConnell & Artie - 2004
Jim McConnell and Artie standing inside Artie's Quincy Museum trailer at the 2004 St. Louis OMC Reunion event.
2004 - Barry Wood, Bill Seebold Sr & Artie
This photo was taken at the 2004 OMC Reunion event at St. Louis.
Artie & a Restored Quincy Looper
Artie and Marshall Grant
This photo is of Artie Neadeck presenting Marshall Grant (of the Johnny Cash band) with a replica of Marshall's original Ring of Fire raceboat. Artie made the replica by hand and delivered it to Marshall in the winter of 2007-08. Marshall's original Ring of Rire was named after the famous Johnny Cash song as Marshall was a long time memeber of Johnny's band. Marshall Grant was also a Quincy Welding customer - he ran Quincy Mercs and then later Quincy Loopers. You can read more about Marshall Grant and his outboard racing career here at our web site under Racing Legends.
Artie running restored Ring of Fire boat
As stated in the introduction, this rare, fully restored runabout was owned by Marshall Grant, of the Johnny Cash band, and raced by famous drivers such as Dickie Pond and Billy Seebold. There is also a photo of Johnny Cash sitting on the Ring of Fire that appeared in a magazine in the 1960's. This photo can be seen on the Marshall Grant page under Great Racing Legends.
Artie's Quincy Merc Snowblower
No, this snowblower isn't really running on Quincy Merc power - it would throw the snow 100 feet or more! We do enjoy Artie'e photo of a creative use of a Quincy Merc racing engine.
Display at Muscatine, Iowa Boat Show - 2008
Display Trailer at Muscatine, Iowa, boat show - 2008