The First Quincy Welding Boat House
If you look carefully in the windows to the left of the building, you will see some Cushman scooters that Quincy Welding sold at that time.
Front Street in Quincy, IL - 1940's
This picture is at the Mississippi River bay front in the late 1940's. It is at Front & Hampshire streets. This is the ramp that later became the launching pad for Quincy Weldings's river testing area. Many world record championship race engines were first water tested here.
Racing on the Mississippi River in late 1940's
O.F. Christner & Gene Glasgow on Mississippi River
O.F. Christner & Gene Glasgow on River (2)
David Christner's Promotional Boat
David took this boat out on the Mississippi River to promote Quincy Welding in the very early 1950's. The picture was taken in front of the Christner family home that was then on State street in Quincy, IL.
O. F. wins trophy - early 1950's
O. F. Christner was not only an engine builder, he also raced until the mid 1960's from time to time. We don't know the exact date or the identities of the other racers in this photo. If you have that information, please email us.
O. F. Christner with trophy - 1950's
David Christner - Championship Winner - 1957
O.F. Christner at a boat race
O.F. Christner is standing to the right of Mary Scott in this picture. Mary's husband, Albert, raced Quincy Welding's modified Mercurys and was a friend of O.F. Christner. You can see a photo of Albert Scott racing on the Mississippi River on the History page. Albert "Scottie" Scott ran for many years a skating rink in Quincy and later moved out east of Quincy to build a new skating rink and a dirt stock car race track. The Scott family recently sold both the skating rink and stock car track.
Boat Racing on the Quincy, IL Bay - 1958?
Billy Seebold, Eston Johnson
Billy Seebold is on the left. Eston Johnson, a long time Quincy Welding racing customer is in the middle. We do not know the identity of the person on the right.
1957 - Jim Schoch with Quincy Welding race trailer
Johnny Dortch racing Quincy Mumps on Engine
Freddie Goehl - 1959
Freddie Goehl was a very successful race driver for the Quincy Welding team in the late 1950's through the 1960's. He is standing beside the Quincy Welding trailer.
O.F., Johnny Dortch & Lee St. Clair win trophies
1960 Letter by O.F. to customer
O.F. Christner at Awards Banquet - early 1960's
O. F. Christner is on the back row, last person on the right. Charlie Strang, of Mercury and OMC fame, is in the first row, far left, holding a book. If you know the names of any of the other people in this photo, please let us know.
1962 - O.F., Earl Hull & Jim Schoch
This photo was taken in 1962 at the championship races in Bradenton, FL. Earl Hull was O.F.'s son-in-law (who worked for Quincy Welding & raced) and Jim Schoch was a championship winning racer for Quincy Welding.
Waldman Trailer - 1960's
We can't ID the person wearing the Quincy Flat Head shirt, standing behind Jerry Waldman's trailer in this photo. If you know who he is, please let us know.
1970 Quincy Welding Price Sheet
1970 Quincy Welding Price Sheet - page 2
O.F. Christner letter to son, Paul
In the early 1970's, Paul was racing go-karts in Florida. O. F. Christner wrote this letter to Paul giving him advice on how to research information carefully and not jump or agree to conclusions incorrectly.
Racing Legends at Alexandria, LA
Left to right front row are Dick O'Dea, Bobby Herring and O. F. Christner. Second row left to right are Freddie Goehl, Kay Harrison and Jerry Waldman.
O. F. & Paul Christner - mid 1970's
Letter to Roger Dykehouse - 1976
Power Curves of Quincy Z engine vs Looper engine
Quincy Welding boat "Goldrush" - 1970's
Dan Kirts & O.F. Christner at Lakeland, FL - early 1990's