1958 - Jack Marshall & twin Mercs
1958 - Marshall & twin Mercs
1958 - story of Marshall & his twin Mercs
Magazine Cover - Johnny Cash & Ring of Fire boat
1969 DePue, IL Race Program - pg 1
1969 DePue, IL Race Program - pg 2
1970 Race Program - Champions
1970 Race Program - Photos of Champions
Spring 1972 - Hydroplane Quarterly
The Hydroplane Quarterly was written and published by Tim Chance for several years in the late 1960's into the early 1970's. We thank Tim for allowing us to post copies of his racing magazine here at our site.
2006 - Mrs. O. F. (Vera) Christner, Paul Christner and Gene East
This photo from 2006 is of Mrs. O. F. (Vera) Christner, Paul Christner and former Quincy Welding employee, Gene East. Mrs. Christner is presenting Gene East with the very last Quincy Welding check that Paul saved after Quincy Precision Machine (aka Quincy Welding) officially closed in 1984. Gene East was a well known Quincy Welding employee for his expertise in welding, tuned pipe development and Looper machining. Gene was also known by Quincy Welding customers and other racers as Quincy Welding's race team crew chief and for his excellent abilities at setting up race boats at the courses. Gene still resides in Quincy, Illinois.
2006 - Last Quincy Welding Check
This is the last Quincy Welding check, as presented by Vera Christner (widow of O. F. Christner) to Gene East, former Quincy Welding employee.
2006 - Last Quincy Welding check (2)