Items from the Suter Collection
Photos of the Suter Collection as taken at the 2011 meet. To see individual motors and to read the history on the motors, please click on the Mark Suter collection link. A special thanks to Mark for providing not only photos from this year's meet, but also descriptions of each photo.
Martin Hi-speed 60 showing Mabry Edards racing lower unit
Martin Hi-Speed 60 Racer - front view
1949 Martin Hi-speed 60 data ID card
1928 Johnson P-40 in racing configuration
1928 Johnson P-40 showing racing prop
1928 Johnson P-40 ID card
1930's Big Iron racing motors
Wayne Walgrave's 6-cylinder Quincy Looper
Walgrave Quincy Looper - Racing History
Display Case with Propellers
Racing Boats of Historical Significance
Racks of Non-Racing Motors
Typical Competitor's View of the Walgrave 6-cylinder Looper
Hind Quarter View of the Walgrave Looper
1925 Johnson A-25 in Carrying Case
1924 Johnson A in Carrying Case
1937 Evinrude Scout in Carrying Case
This is a 1937 Evinrude Scout in "Fishinrude" carrying case with fuel can and period fishing gear.
1939 Elto Cub & Reproduction Dealer Sign
In your wildest dreams....
Old Evinrude Ad for Detachable Rowboat Motor
Post WW2 Evinrude Shipping Crate
Row of Evinrude Shipping Crates
Motor Parts & Evinrude Sign
Fiberglass Ski-boat with Mercury Motor
Motors, Crates & Mercury Motor Signs
Inboard Hydro with Ford 2.3L Power
Model Boat that really scoots!
Chris Craft Commander 10 HP Motor
KG4H Merc class A stock Racer w/o Lower Unit
Evinrude 'Weedless' Fishing Motor
Rack holding an Oliver, Force and 2 Racing Motors
Mercury, Johnson & Evinrude Motors
A van full of Concours Motors
Restored early Johnson Twin
Late 1930's Johnson Deluxe Motor
Johnson Twin w/Bronze Lower Unit for salt water
Original Evinrude Sport Single
Original Evinrude Handi-Twin
Restored early Champion Single
Rope Sheave on restored Champion Single
Evinrude Folding Motor - Concours Condition
The term "concours" indicates the motor is restored but is not historically correct with regard to color, or finish, or content, or some combination of these. Typically they are more elegant than original factory specifications and are judged in a "Concours de Elegance" category, i.e. most elegant on the concourse.
Rear View of Johnson Deluxe Motor
Restored Merc Mark 20H class B stock racer
Restored Thor Streamliner built by Kiekhaefer Corp.
Concours Muncie (Neptune) 'Mighty-Mite' Motor
Restored Early Champion Singles
Restored Champion 'Playboy' Lite Twin
Restored 1938 Champion Standard Lite Twin
Restored 1937 Champion 'Red Flash' Single
Restored 1936 Champion Lite Twin
Original Condition Water Witch Single
Water Witch beside a hand-powered outboard propulsion device.
Closer look at rear of Water Witch Single
Please See Page 2 of the Event