Jesup Pit Area
The APBA Race Circular Regatta, known as the Annual High Point Chase Showdown, was held October 30-31, 2010 at Jesup, GA. It was conducted by the Peace River Outboard Racing Association of region 5. Classes consisted of: PRO OUTBOARD 05000, MODIFIED OUTBOARD 06000, STOCK OUTBOARD 11000 and J CLASSES. (A special thanks to Bob Dunlap for providing photos of the event.)
Saturday Race Results
Saturday Race Results:
JH - 4: Jack Cavanaugh, Joe Waterson, Noah Romberg, Emily Hutchinson. JR - 3: Amy Waterson, Emily Hutchinson, Joe Waterson. AXH - 3: John Wlodarski, George Stillwill, Becky Nichols. AXR - 7: Becky Nichols, Max Acierno, TJ Oberlin, Joe Waterson, Pete Nichols, Jerry Oberlin, Jack Cavanaugh.
Saturday Race Results (2)
More Saturday race results: ASH - 4: John Wlodarski, George Stillwill. CSH - 9: Matt Dagostino, Mel Thomas, Chris Johnson, Chip Chapman, Ken Rhodes, Corey Foulds, Austin Vanover, Weston Daniels (new driver).
25SSH - 1: no legal finisher. 20SSH - 4: Matt Dagostino, Chip Chapman, Tom Burwinkle, Doug Sharpe.
ASR - 4: Jerry Oberlin, Becky Nichols, Walter Schlipf.
CSR - 7: RC Hawie, Tom Nuccio, Chris Fabbro, Austin Vanover, Tim Weber, Mark O'Brien, Mark Warner.
Saturday Race Results (3)
More Saturday results: 25SSR - 4: Tom Nuccio, Tim Weber, Jerry Oberlin, Austin Vanover. 250ccMH - 3: George Stillwill, Matt Dagostino, Tom Burwinkle. 500ccMH - 4: Eric Vanover, Jimmy Warren, Jesse Ruehling, Harris Willard. 750ccMH - 8: Danny Williams, Eric Vanover, Ronald Williams, Patrick MacMillan, Steve Dunn, Harris Willard, Dick Willard, Ken Rhodes. 750ccMR - 6: George Luce, Bob Dunlap, Eon Christopher, Jerry Davids, Brandon Smith, Steve Dunn.
850CCMH - 3
scratched prior to heat
850CCMR - 4
Bob Dunlap
Eon Christopher
George Luce
Jerry Davids
175CCH - 3
Diane Murray
Shawn Cavanaugh
Ralph Donald
Sunday Race Results
Sunday Race Results: JH - 4: Joe Waterson, Noah Romberg, Emily Hutchinson, Jack Cavanaugh. JR - 3: Amy Waterson, Emily Hutchinson, Joe Waterson. AXH - 3: John Wlodarski, George Stillwill, Becky Nichols. AXR - 6: Becky Nichols, Max Acierno, Joe Waterson, TJ Oberlin, Pete Nichols, Jack Cavanaugh. ASH - 4: Walter Schlipf, John Wlodarski, George Stillwill, Becky Nichols.
Sunday Race Results (2)
More results from Sunday: CSH - 9: Matt Dagostino, Chris Johnson, Chip Chapman, Mel Thomas, Corey Foulds, Mark O'Brien, Ken Rhodes, Herb Lanphear, Weston Daniels. 25SSH - 1: Eon Christopher - Ran with CSH (finished in 4th both heats). 20SSH - 4: Matt Dagostino, Chip Chapman, Tom Burwinkle, Doug Sharpe. ASR - 4: Walter Schlipf, Jerry Oberlin, Becky Nichols. CSR - 7: RC Hawie (shown in photo above - on left), Chris Fabbro, Tim Weber, Austin Vanover, Mark Warner, Mark O'Brien.
Sunday Race Results (3)
More race results from Sunday: 25SSR - 4: Tom Nuccio, Justin Vanover, Tim Weber, Jerry Oberlin. 250ccCMH - 3: George Stillwill, Matt Dagostino, Tom Burwinkle. 500ccMH - 4: Eric Vanover, Jimmy Warren, Jesse Ruehling. 750ccMH - 7: Eric Vanover, Ronald Williams, Patrick MacMillan, Steve Dunn, Danny Williams. 750ccMR - 5: George Luce, Bob Dunlap, Steve Dunn.
Sunday Race Results (4)
More Sunday race results: 850ccMH - 3, Austin Vanover, Ken Rhodes. 850ccMR - 3: Bob Dunlap, George Luce. 175ccH - 3: Diane Murray. Ralphh Donald. Shawn Cavanaugh.
Runabouts in the Pit Area
Firing Up for Runabout Heat
We'd like to congratulate Diane Murray on her successful outboard racing career. Diane has decided to retire at the end of this racing season, and her last race was Jessup.