2010 - Constantine, MI Regatta
Full race results will be posted when available, but we do have results from some of the races. On Sunday, in 125cc Runabout - classic racing from Dominic Defiebo, Paulie Bosnich from the Prop Riders, and Buddy Tennell. Paulie won the first two heats as Dominic jumped the gun and Paulie running second on the water won the heat. Paulie took 1st in the 2nd heat, only to see the overall win go up in smoke with the carburater fell off in the 3rd heat as he was running 2nd to Dominic. Erin Barth put 3 good heats together in the orange V-26, but Buddy Tennell put 3 great heats together to become the overall winner in this class. Top Hydro had 3 boats competing, with Sean Mckean and Brandon trading heat wins and Ike Yoder finishing only one of the two heats. Sean McKean was overall winner. 175cc Hydro class had problems with gunjumpers at the start of the heats and attrition due to mechanical problems. Ralph Donald and Diane Murray each had a heat win and Ralph took home the victory based on time. Diane Murray finished 2nd and Buddy Tennell took 3rd place. Thirteen boats competed in 250cc Hydro. Overall, Rob Erbel drove a smart 3 heats to take home the win, with David Mitchell taking 2nd and Curt Hellsten 3rd place in 250cc Hydro. In 350cc Runabout, Mike Krier dominated with 3 straight heat wins and Tim Small took 3 second place finishes. Mike Krier took 1st place in 350cc Runabout with Tim Small coming in 2nd and Mark Stahl finishing 3rd. 1100cc Runabout class requires a driver and a rider for a 2 person team in each boat. Mike Thirlby and his son, Preston, won the 1st heat in convincing fashion with Jim Kirts/Amy Nydahl finishing 2nd.
In the second heat, side by side racing for 3 laps between Mike/Preston Thirlby and Dwight Malhiot/Wendy Eldredge had the crowd on its feet until Mike pulled away at the last moment. Overall, Mike/Preston Thirlby took 1st place in this class with Jim Kirts/Amy Nydahl taking 2nd & Dwight Malhoit/Wendy Eldredge taking 3rd. Official results for all classes from the Constantine Regatta will be posted when available.
F-22 Ralph Donald in 175 Hydro
F-22 Ralph Donald boat F-4 Jeremy Edmond in a heat of 175 Hydro. The finshing order was Ralph 1st , Diane Murray 2nd and Buddy Tennell 3rd. A special thanks to race fan Dale Hoffert for sending us these great race photos and for providing commentary for them.
F40 - Buddy Tennell
F-40 Buddy Tennell and V-99 Paulie Bosnich battle it out in 125R . It looked like Paulie had it wrapped up , but lost it when a carbuerator fell off in the the 3rd heat giving Bubby the win followed by Paulie and Erin Barth.
Z-11 Ellison & M-44 Thirlby
Z-11 Travis Ellison and M-44 Andrew Thirlby race deck to deck deck in 125cc Runabout heat.
F-122 Hellsten & V-81 Summers
F-122 Curt Hellsten and V-81 , the ageless Bruce Summers, approach the start in 250cc Hydro.
F-26 Erble & F-6 Mitchell
F-26 Rob Erble and F-6 David Mitchell look for a hole entering turn 1 in 250cc Hydro. Rob went on to win, followed by David and Curt Hellstein.
F-5 Small & X-50 Krier
The F-5, driven by Tim Small, and X-50, driven by Mike Krier, race deck to deck in 350cc Runabout, but this is as close as Tim would get as Mike had 3 convincing heat wins to win the class, with Tim taking 2nd and Mark Stahl 3rd.
M-9 Kirts & M-6 Keller
M-9 Jim Kirts and deck rider Amy Nydahl battle M-6 Greg Keller and his deck rider Ike Yoder for position in 1100cc Runabout.
M-47 Thilrby & R-18 Malhoit
M-47 Mike Thirlby and his deck riding son Preston and R-18 Dwight Malhoit with Amy Eldredge in 1100cc Runabout. Mike went on to win, followed by Jim Kirts and Dwight.
X51 Krier & 77-T Buddy Tennell driver
X51 Rich Krier and the 77-T Bruce Nicholson boat, driven by Buddy Tennell in 250cc Runabout. Rich went on to win, followed by Tim Small and Mike Krier.
F-5 Small & W-88 Stahl
F-5 Tim Small and W-88 Mark Stahl in close quarters in 250cc Runabout.
F-5 Small & X-50 Krier
F-5 Tim Small and X-50 Mike Krier eye up turn one in 250cc Runabout.
R-13 Malhoit & F-6 Mitchell
R-13 Zach Malhoit and F-6 David Mitchell start a heat of 125cc Hydro. The overall winner was Kevin Ellison, followed by Amy Nydahl and Brendon Vishoot, who finished 3rd.
M-9 Kirts & M-6 Keller
M-9 Jim Kirts, getting a little air, and M-6 Gred Keller start a heat of 500cc Runabout. Greg went on to win, followed by Mike Thirlby and Brian Payne, driving the Wright entry N-611.
M-6 Keller & N-66 Voss
M-6 Greg Keller battles N-66 Pete Voss in 500cc Runabout.
F-5 Small, V-23 Bosnich & X-50 Krier
F-5 Tim Small, V-23 Paulie Bosnich and X-50 Mike Krier start a heat of 250cc Runabout.
V-23 Bosnich & X-51 Krier
This picture of V-23 Paulie Bosnich and X-51 Rich Krier was taken just before the two boats bumped going into turn one, putting a small hole in the deck of Rich's boat and bending a fin on Paulie's boat.
F-109 Litzell boat driven by Tom Kirts Jr.
F-109, the Steve Litzell entry, driven bt Tom Kirks Jr, gets a little loose in 500cc Runabout.
M-4 Thirlby & G-56 Gryskiewicz
M-4 Brandon Tirlby and G-56 Mark Gryskiewicz chased Ike Yoder all day long in 500cc Hydro. Ike went on to win, followed by Sean Mckean and Mark Gryskiewicz.
F-4 Eldredge & 171-W K. Nydahl
F-4 Wendy Eldredge and 171-W Kurt Nydahl in a heat of K-PRO Hydro. Wendy won the class, followed by Kurt in 2nd place and Shelby Davis in 3rd place.
W-71 A. Nydahl & Z-7 K. Ellison
W-71 Amy Nydahl and Z-7 Kevin Ellison in 125cc Hydro.