Instigator - Manufacturer Production 1 Class
Sarasota, Florida, was the location of the 26th annual Suncoast Super Boat Grand Prix, previously known as the Suncoast Offshore Grand Prix.
Offshore boat racing returned to Sarasota for June 27 - July 5 to benefit the Florida Center for Child & Family Services.
The week's events included golf and fishing tournaments, a car show, parade of boats in downtown Sarasota, parties, kilo runs and bay front activities (including the very popular bikini contest). Kilo speed runs took place on Friday and the week ended with the exciting super boat races on July 4th.
Event organizers said there were 50 boats entered in Sunday's races. Official race results will be posted when they become available.
Please note: Team Instigator set a world record during the Kilo Runs on Sarasota Bay on Friday, reaching a top speed of 124.52 mph. This topped their previous record of 120 mph in the Super Vee Unlimited Division.
Centennial Park
Centennial Park, on Sarasota Bay, was the location for the race boats and many of the festivities.
Boat Parade in Downtown Sarasota
Boat Parade (2)
Thursday evening, in spite of occassional rain showers, the super boats participated in the popular boat parade through downtown Sarasota, followed by the Downtown Block Party & Powerboats on Main Street.
Team CRC boat being lowered into Bay
Anabolic boat being lifted into Bay
Phil's Site Prep Team - S111
Simmons Marine
This boat owned by Jim Simmons was constructed by Sarasota designer and builder Will Smith of Phantom Boats. Since it was built back in 1999, the boat has won four world and four national championships. It also took 1st in it's class in Sunday's races.
Instigator sets Kilo Run Record
Just four boats took a shot at Friday's Kilo Runs. The Phenomenon, the Global Warmer and the Popeye's Chicken boat all struggled with mechanical problems and were unable to complete the required passes. However, the Instigator managed to set a world record during the Kilo Runs on Sarasota Bay. Team Instigator reached 124.52 mph, topping their previous record of 120 mph in the Super Vee Unlimited Division. The team is based in Port Washington on Long Island, N.Y. Congratulations on your new record!
You Godda Have That
This boat competes in the Superboat Stock division.
Amsoil Team out Testing on Bay
Wet Pits - Team Clintron
Team Clintron competes in the Superboats Unlimited division.
Hooters Girls
The Hooters Girls say hi to our boat racing friend in Texas, Wayne Baldwin.
Warpaint - Superboat 750 Division
Al Copeland's Phenomenon
The Phenomenon is 56 feet in length, has a fuel capacity of 1960 gallons and is engineered for a top speed of over 250 mph. It has 4 T-55-L-7C Lycoming Turbine engines that produce a total 12,000 horsepower and 15,500 RPMs. The cockpit consists of a high strength composite capsule that is fully air-conditioned. The cockpit seats are custom carbon fiber NASCAR racing seats.
Phenomenon Custom Bike 1
Part of Team Phenomenon's popular display in the dry pit area.
Phenomenon Custom Bike 2
Part of the display by Team Phenomenon.
Team Rockstar
This team competes in the Superboat Vee Unlimited division.
Team Vengeance
Team Vengenace competes in the Superboat Stock division.
Team CRC
Team CRC competes in the Superboat 850 division.
Popular Bikini Contest
The most popular event on Saturday was the Suncoast Bikini Contest.
Race Day - Team Amsoil
Team Amsoil flying over the water. Although the weather was not as cooperative as event organizers would have liked, all division races were run as planned. Official results will be posted when available. We'd like to thank a couple of friends for contributing race photos.
Team Stihl
Team Stihl competes in the Supercat division.
Team Velocity
Team Velocity competes in the Manufacturer Production 5 division.
Teams Nauticool & CRC
The Nauticool Team driver is owner Lisa Matrhews. Matthews is the World record holder fastest woman on the water at 157 MPH. The title sponsor is NAUTICOOL AIR which is an engine driven marine A/C system that means no need for 110 volt power or a noisy and bulky generator.
Ringling Bridge
Famous local landmark, the Ringling Bridge, named after John Ringling of Ringling Circus fame. John & Mable Ringling made their home in Sarasota in the 1920's and in 1924 built their famous Sarasota home, the Cà d'Zan Mansion, which is open to the public. Other contributions from the Ringlings are the Ringling Museum of Art and the Circus Museum.